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Green Card Lottery DV-2026
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Green Card Lottery: How to increase your chances!

The Green Card Lottery enables people worldwide to obtain a permanent residence and work permit for the USA. The chances of winning are high, but there are a few hurdles between participating and receiving your Green Card. With our professional tips, your American dream is within reach!

What can go wrong in the Green Card Lottery?

Of course, you need some luck to be drawn in the Green Card Lottery, just like in any other random draw. In the case of the US government's annual lottery, however, a few hurdles are waiting for you on your way into the lottery pot.

If you are pursuing your dream with the help of the government-licensed immigration consultants from The American Dream, you are already doing everything right. Every application is manually reviewed, and if there are any anomalies, we will contact you!

Everyone else should read up on the subject.

Typical pitfalls for Green Card applicants include errors in the application (e.g., in the photo format), incomplete information, or missing the short submission deadlines set by the US government.

The application on the official “DV Lottery” website can be particularly problematic for people without specialist knowledge, as the authorities do not communicate with the Green Card applicant in the event of errors. For this reason, USA fans with repeat errors are often disqualified year after year without even knowing.

To avoid these typical Green Card mistakes, you should take a strategic approach and consider the following professional tips:

Tip 1: Perform a Green Card Check

Before you try your luck in the Green Card Lottery, you should inform yourself well. Am I even eligible to take part? Which countries of birth are currently qualified for the lottery? What level of education do I need?

These and many other questions are often answered in a confusing way on US government websites. For an easy-to-understand breakdown of the Green Card Lottery eligibility requirements, it's best to turn to Green Card agencies like The American Dream, where you'll go through three simple steps:

  1. Complete the Green Card Check at
  2. Prepare your Green Card photo
  3. Submit your application via The American Dream

Our immigration consultants will answer your questions at any time and will also guide you through the entire immigration process on request.

→ Click here for the Green Card Check from The American Dream:

Tip 2: Doubled Green Card chances for couples

Married couples who enter the Green Card Lottery at the same time have a double chance of winning. This is because, if you win, your spouse and unmarried children under 21 are automatically eligible for a Green Card and can accompany the winner to the USA.

During the Green Card Lottery registration process, you can easily register your spouse and even receive a 10 % discount on your partner's entry.

Advice for unmarried couples

Even after winning the Green Card Lottery, you can still get married and immigrate to the USA together.

Advice for people under 21

If you submit an application yourself, and both parents do the same, you even have a triple chance of winning, because you will receive the Green Card both if your own application wins and if one of your parents is drawn!

Tip 3: Use the Green Card photo tool

Your photo is the face of your Green Card Lottery application and must be 100 % compliant with the requirements, as even minor errors will result in disqualification.

The US government has reported more than half of all photos as deficient in recent years, making it clear that uploading a photo correctly is the biggest hurdle to winning the Green Card Lottery.

How do we know this? Due to a court ruling in 2023, files previously kept under lock and key by the Kentucky Consular Center responsible for implementing the Green Card program became public (and are available to us). In an internal memo for the last Green Card Lottery, it was noted that of 143,000 people initially selected, around 60,000, or almost 42 %, were automatically disqualified solely due to insufficient quality of the digital photos. In a subsequent manual quality check, a large number of other people were disqualified due to other discrepancies.

Applicants will not receive any notification as to whether their application has been disqualified or simply not selected in the automatic lottery procedure.

Of course, your experienced Green Card advisor is always there for you when it comes to creating the right photo. However, it's even easier if you use the smart photo tool in the application process of The American Dream.

Green Card Lottery Instructions

The correct photo format is important for the Green Card Lottery.

Tip 4: Beware of scammers!

The assistance of a Green Card agency is useful and important for many participants, either because of time constraints or increased security requirements. However, there are many black sheep on the Internet.

Don't be fooled by websites that claim to be Green Card agencies, but do not submit applications of their clients (or rather: victims). In the worst case, your information will be misused, and you will receive harassing phone calls later — not to mention the lost money.

A reputable agency can be identified by the following:

Apply for a Green Card now!

Are you ready for your personal American dream? Then put your application in the lottery pot for the Green Card Lottery DV-2026 today! We'll keep our fingers crossed for you!

Green Card Check
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